CloudQuant Press Industry News

CloudQuant Press

CloudQuant will be participating in the Newsweek conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for the Capital Markets Industry on December 5th to December 7th, 2017 in New York.

Newsweek Event: Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (December 5th to 7th, 2017)

CloudQuant will be participating in the Newsweek conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for the Capital Markets Industry on December 5th to December 7th, 2017 in New York.
This conference will cover the abundance of cheap and powerful computing capacity is bringing artificial intelligence to bear on an ocean of data, across a range of industrial applications. For CloudQuant this includes tools including Python programming language, Jupyter Notebooks, SciKit-Learn, Technical Analysis Library TA-Lib,  and our own CloudQuant are making it easier for anyone to enter the world of algorithmic trading.  Improved access to information is also making it easier for the world to reach into the world of data science applied to trading and data science. StockTwitsAlexandria Technologies, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Quora, and more are all publishing insights into the world. Individuals, both professional and personal, are publishing more insights into the world. Google, Bing, Benzinga, Newsweek, Bloomberg, Reuters, and others are all making it easy to find relevant, high-value data that previously were not easily available. YouTube, LinkedIn, Quora, SMB TrainingQuantInsti and others are all teaching anyone interested in trading and algorithm insights that 5 years ago were not available to anyone other than a select privileged few at well-capitalized trading firms.
Newsweek claims “Complex mathematical modeling has always been part of the data-driven financial world, but today professional money managers are exploring a new range of techniques including machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks. They have also become familiar with the relatively new discipline of data science – really an intersection of software engineering, statistical modeling, research analytics, data mining and data warehousing.”  
CloudQuant is finding that it isn’t just professional money managers that are exploring these new techniques. We have users from over 130 countries that are interested in these techniques.
We hope you will join Newsweek at their event to join the discussion and exploration of Data Science and Algo Trading.

Schedule for CloudQuant.

“Finding Alpha in Alternative Data Sets. Is the crowd wiser?”
Panel Discussion with  CEO Morgan Slade is speaking on on December 6th at 14:30.
Newsweek AI Data Science for Capital Markets
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