CloudQuant Signal Marketplace

Production Ready Trading Signals
from the CloudQuant Research Team

CloudQuant is an alternative data, research, and analysis leader. We provide trading signals, watchlists, and forecasts to enpower your strategies.
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We Work Hard to Provide

Our Passionate Team

Led by our CEO, we have built a dedicated team of young and experience reseachers and produced oustanding works.

Graduated from from Peking University, the top Mathematics program in China and earned a MS in Financial Mathematics at University of Chicago, Kevin joined CloudQuant in 2018 and quickly became the expert in data mining, risk analysis, porfolio management algrothrims, and machine learning frameworks for quantitative signals.

Wei “Kevin” Zhou
Senior Quantitative Analyst
& Strategy Research

Morgan has over 25 years of experience as a Senior Buy-side and Sell-side Trader, High-Frequency Market Maker, Portfolio Manager, Head of Research, Head of Trading, and Executive of several of the world’s largest and most respected hedge funds, investment banks, and CTAs. These include Millburn Ridgefield, Merrill Lynch & Co, Carlson Capital, Citadel Investment Group, Wolverine Trading, and Allston Trading.

Morgan Slade
Founder and CEO

With a MS in Financial Mathematics, Zak started at CloudQuant right after his graduation from University of Chicago. He focuses on macroeconomics research, noticably the Consumer Price Index (CPI) forecasting which has a 93% directional accuracy. Zak has a strong interest in time series analysis and order flow classification.

Zak Myers
Quantitative Analyst

Featured Signals and Forecasts

We take advantage of alternative datsets and build high performing trading signals and market forecasts.

Signal FAQs

Frequently asked questions about trading signals, alternative data, and CloudQuant

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A trading signal is a ready-to-use dataset which indicates a trigger to buy/sell/hold a position. CloudQuant understands that most people are not looking for raw data, but usable trading and investment signals. Therefore, we convert raw data into signals which are available and accessible for clients to get into production faster.

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Alternative data describes non-traditional financial data which gives traders an information edge over the market and creates opportunities to generate alpha and significant returns.

Traditional DataAlternative Data
Financial Statements
News and Social Media Sentiment
SEC FilingsCredit Card Transactions
Earning CallsJob Postings
Price MovementsPatent Approvals

However, because alternative data is large and complex and requires significant technology and expertise resources, it is a challenge for a lot of trading and investment firms to collect, analyze, and interpret alternative data.
Our research and engineering teams are dedicated to tackling this challenge. By creating trading signals based on alternative data from our data provider partners and building a data technology ecosystem, our customers can stop worrying about integrating data and start to maximize the potential of alternative data instantly.

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With the mission to simplify alternative data, research, and technology, CloudQuant provides services and technologies for both data vendors and data consumers.  

  • CloudQuant AI™: A secure data science research environment with access to your dataset and tick-level market data
  • CloudQuant Data Liberator™: A simple data access API for a world of big data (market data, alternative data, news, etc.) 
  • CloudQuant Mariner™ Backtest: A Python driven high resolution backtesting engine with working algos specific to the dataset and coordinated with the Dataset Catalog
  • CloudQuant Explorer™: A visual exploration tool that allows the investment manager to discover, hypothesize, and scan market signals
  • CloudQuant Data Catalog: A one-stop-shop to discover, analyze, validate and license 14,000+ datasets

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Definitely! Contact our sales team at so we can give you a 1-month free trial. 

The signals will be delivered through our CQAI platform which we will provide you access as well as instructions on how to use CQAI and our signals.

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CloudQuant has conducted research and publicized whitepapers so you can learn about the signals, the underlying data of the signals, and the application of the signals. In addition, our Research Team is ready to provide any needed support for you in analyzing and implementing new signals in your investment strategy.

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